We, at Salon Evolve, are so excited to announce our newest hair repair treatment that we're offering! Now introducing.. K18 Molecular Repair Hair Mask.
This peptide-powered bonding treatment works at the innermost layer of hair, reconnecting polypeptide chains and disulfide bonds broken during bleaching, chemical services, and through heat damage. This treatment reverses damage from all three!
It's perfect for all hair types, making it a must-have treatment to get at least every twelve weeks. Pair K18 with a haircut to create the perfect duo for best overall results.
Not to mention, they're environmentally friendly! Last year, K18 teamed up with Plastic Bank to stop the equivalence of 7.3 million single-use plastics from reaching the ocean. Let's go!

Q: What else is new at Salon Evolve?
A: We're soon introducing at Frequently Asked Questions page on our website! Have a question you've always wanted to ask or a tip that may be useful for another member of our growing family? Head over to our "Contact Us" page or send an e-mail to evolve214@gmail.com with "FAQ" in the subject line!
In honor of St. Patty's Day this week, check out our promo THIS WEEK ONLY!

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Salon Evolve
(610) 489-5525
214 W Ridge Pk, Limerick, PA 19468